How NetSuite played a Major role to businesses in 2021

In yet another year of great uncertainty, undertaking such a large, ever-growing ERP system such as NetSuite may seem somewhat harrowing at first glance. Nonetheless, NetSuite has proven to bring many benefits to businesses who have incorporated this system into their firm, helping them gain a peace of mind, which is hard to come by in today’s pandemic struck environment.

We will touch on several ways in which NetSuite played as one of the key success drivers over the previous calendar year within the businesses which it has been implemented.

This will consist of:

·       Mobilised working

·       Enabling Growth

·       Increased Collaboration

·       Automation


Over a period where individual’s health and safety has been in the forefront of every ethical decision being made within any firm, something that has been surrounded by ambiguity as to how to work around recent pandemic times. One of the front-runners in the competition for the most important factor to this is the ability for workers to be able to complete their working events and activities from a safe secluded environment, such as their own space at home.

NetSuite encapsulates this need into their system as it has seamless accessibility, allowing users to login from their desks, whether this be in the office, at home or even half-way across the world. A simple internet connection is all that is needed to access the data contained within the user’s account on the system. The system is also customisable to ensure that users have access to the correct information and cannot gain access to anything confidential or otherwise.

As a real-world example as to how this has come into play, warehouse distribution companies have seen NetSuite proven to be a vital part of their bid to protect their client’s health and safety. This is enabled through the ability which is offered by NetSuite’s system which is to track stock levels within a warehouse without stepping foot in the warehouse and can safely complete their work from the comfort and serenity of their own living space which, as touched on, is something that is on the front of every decision maker’s mind in modern-day businesses, notably more so over the past year.


Growing a business has always been somewhat of an “uphill climb.” However, it has become ever clearer that the hill that businesses are left to climb over the last year has become that one part steeper in comparison to previous years.

NetSuite has proven to get past some of the hurdles that have been put in a business’s way in recent times which are resisting growth, after recently releasing information on new product innovations in a bid to do exactly this, highlighting that although a lot of obstacles have been put in the road for businesses over the past year, a door to new opportunities has also been opened and it important to exploit this when possible.


Whilst pandemic times brings the need to for mobilised working into order, the ability to cofunction alongside colleagues becomes increasingly harder to accommodate for. The inability for face-to-face meetings may seem a daunting observation at first, however NetSuite’s ERP system enables users to overcome a lot of the difficulties that are experienced because of this scenario.

For instance, NetSuite’s new 360 dashboards allow for the data that is input within the system to be automatically displayed to the correct individual who needs this information within their role. This overpasses the need for meetings which were once necessary with relevant data and statistics being provided instantly upon upload to the system, this proves to serve as a substantial efficiency booster across the board.  In addition to this, additions have recently been made to allow for purchase orders to be raised directly from a project record within NetSuite which, all-in-all, results in increased accuracy of project accounting and improved collaboration between purchasing and project managers.


A battle that is being fought across most sectors in recent times is the fast-paced race to reach peak automation within an organisation, in a bid to free up time to bring strategy into place and reach optimum efficiency as a company whole, something that NetSuite managed to apprehend and account for with their functionality.

NetSuite’s ERP system is customisable and can tailor to suit a user’s needs, inclusive of the automations that the user in question would need to free up the desired time for strategy. This can range from automatically sending an email out on the correct date to completing fields within a record in accordance with a field within a separate record, without user input required.


Across the board, NetSuite over the past year has proven to play a major role as not only supporting, but driving businesses on in an obstacle ridden year, aiding them in reaching their maximum potential throughout this time. With user’s reporting an average of a 75% boost to their overall efficiency, NetSuite’s ERP system accomplishes in acting as a support for firms with the ambition to grow and push on further into their industry.

Improved communication and collaboration between users is up there with one of the most increasing needs for firms within recent years and, as highlighted, NetSuite has proven to take this into account for within their functionality and assists with any struggles that users may have with modern day mobilised working and thus played a major role in businesses in 2021.


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